Earth Day At Bennett Elementary

Yesterday, June 6, our summer interns Carrie Carson and Kersten Laveroni represented CRISP at Bennett Elementary during their Earth Day.  Sixth grade teacher, Mr. Savatgy organized a great event and had a turn out of about 15 presenters of very diverse topics.  Carrie and Kersten presented to 3rd, 4th, and 6th graders and taught them how to identify the emerald ash borer and a few other invasive species.  They kept the kids involved throughout the presentations, having them act out the attack of the EAB and the speed at which it spreads, among other things.  The students gave us hope when they knew what the Asian longhorned beetle was and some even knew what the emerald ash borer was.  That proves that education is one of the most important and rewarding things to do!!!

Check out some pictures of our interns and the students!